Premium Beauty News - Why are consummers between16 and 31 years of age are different from others?
Yannick Brunat - Of course , this doesn’t mean that other consumers do not interest us. But one must admit that those born between 1978 and 1993 greatly impact our consumer society and therefore those who, like us, will seek to manufacture products that will attract them.
They have significantly changed the codes. It’s the “digital” generation, the one that blurs the boundaries between work and private life. They don’t react like “classic” consumers. In short, they are fascinating and invite us to question ourselves.
Who are they? They are usually very motivated and optimistic, they change jobs very quickly because they are free, they want to earn a lot of money, they are flexible in finding a balance between work and leisure, they like travelling and multiplying experiences, they invest on personal connections if only through their many business trips and urban experiences.
Premium Beauty News - It’s all work, hobbies and leisure!
Yannick Brunat - In a way, yes! Work is an important component of success. This generation wants to win! This obviously affects its way of life, and vice versa! This age group lives in a very "electric" environment and spends a lot of money for that. It’s of course essential for this generation to stay connected anywhere at any time. The mobile phone has obviously become a must.

Premium Beauty News - Internet has a huge influence on this generation?
Yannick Brunat - Yes absolutely ! If you compare with other generations, it’s the generation that’s the most online as it represents 30% of all Internet users. It’s also the same generation that uses two to three times more modern techniques of communication than the baby boomers (born between 1967 and 1977).
Premium Beauty News - What about their consumption of cosmetic products?
Yannick Brunat - This generation spends a lot of money to be fit and to be "in"! They really want to take care of their skin and are ready to spend money for quality products.
Premium Beauty News - Packaging is also important?
Yannick Brunat - Absolutely. This age group relies on individualism and the desire to be different. They respect brands and seek authenticity. They break stereotype.
They are seduced by technology, by new gesture, by nomadic solutions. At the same time, they like simplicity.
Premium Beauty News - And with brands ?
Yannick Brunat - Here, clearly, this generation wants to know how a brand can be part of its environment and contribute to its personal lifestyle.
If we give a ranking to the motivations, we find that price is not the most important concern for this generation (unlike others), but that the brand’s perception is, on the contrary very important. And the environment comes after as does the place where products were manufactured.
The Baby Boomers generation is the one that feels the most concerned about price. The brand matters much less. The environment, on the contrary, is very important.

And to complete this survey, the brands most commonly named in the United States by the generation of 16/31 years of age, are: H & M, Adidas, Apple, Levi’s, Volkswagen, Converse.
If we look at perfume brands, we find for women: Jean-Paul Gaultier, Dior, and for men: Hugo Boss, Diesel, CK One…And for cosmetic products: Clinique, Mac… And make-up: Chanel, Shiseido.
Premium Beauty News - Lots of information for you and you own product development?
Yannick Brunat - It’s true that it has helped us in our recent developments. The ModulArt range for instance.