An oily concentrate extracted from Camellia oleifera seed oil, EPIONINE® Bio is an active ingredient rich in unsaponifiables, the most precious molecules found in an oil. Obtained by molecular distillation, a green and environmentally friendly process, the active ingredient is organic certified according to COSMOS [1].
Inspired by Epione, the goddess of gentle medicine, well-being and harmony in Greek mythology, EPIONINE® Bio will protect the skin from internal and external stress by acting on the skin-brain axis.
By soothing both the body and the mind, the active ingredient offers a unique opportunity to develop formulations that will act on consumers’ mood for a holistic approach to beauty!

Our skin, our second brain
With the same embryological origin, the link between our skin and our brain is very strong. In utero, they develop at the same time, from the same stem cells. This explains the impact of skin discomfort (tingling, tightness, redness...) on general well-being, which leads to psychological stress and/or a degraded emotional state. A real vicious circle, psychological stress can itself trigger skin problems via the synthesis of stress mediators (cortisol, neuropeptides, catecholamines, etc.) that act directly on the skin’s homeostasis.
According to a recent study, about 40% [2] of people with skin disorders also have mental health issues that are often related to their skin condition.

EPIONINE® Bio improves the skin condition of stressed skin
Studies conducted in-vitro and ex-vivo demonstrate the benefits of EPIONINE® Bio on the skin:
– Anti-inflammatory effect, with a significant reduction of the inflammation mediator IL1-α ;
– Strengthens, repairs and protects the skin barrier from cortisol, the main stress hormone in our body;
– Improves skin comfort by inhibiting the release of the substance P, a stress-induced neuropeptide involved in pain transmission.
A first clinical study, conducted on women with dry and/or sensitive skin who were experiencing sensations of discomfort, confirms the previous results (24 women, EPIONINE® Bio 1%, 28 days):
– Protects the skin from psychological stress by reducing cortisol levels in the skin (-25.2%*);
– Moisturizes (corneometry +25.1%*) and improves the barrier function (TEWL -12.5%*);
– Soothes the skin (IL1-α -42.2%*) and reduces skin redness (a* -22.2%*, parameter of redness in spectrophotometry).
EPIONINE® Bio improves skin comfort, emotions and well-being
Carried out in partnership with experts in psychology and neuroscience (Spincontrol/Emospin), a second clinical study was conducted on women with dry and/or sensitive skin and who were experiencing psychological discomfort (2 groups of 22 women, EPIONINE® Bio 1% vs placebo, 28 days).
At the skin level, EPIONINE® Bio reduces the sensations of discomfort measured through a sensitivity scale: tingling -58%*, burning -44%*, itching -43%*.
The reduction of psychological stress and improvement of well-being with EPIONINE® Bio were demonstrated, notably through a Mirror-Test™. After 28 days, EPIONINE® Bio reduced stress measured by vocal expression (-9.8%*) and improved cardiac coherence (+12%*) compared to placebo.
Verbatim analysis demonstrates the holistic approach of EPIONINE® Bio with volunteer feedback referring to a sense of well-being and overall comfort (less discomfort****, feel better*), while statements from the placebo group are more focused on the benefit for the skin (hydrated**, smooth*, soft*).
A self-assessment questionnaire also confirms the benefits of EPIONINE® Bio on emotional state (+18%), self-esteem (+35%) and quality of life (+21%).
Through its holistic approach, EPIONINE® Bio protects dry and sensitive skin from the IN&OUT stresses of daily life, for a global well-being of skin and mind!
*p<0.05 ; **p<0.01 ; ****p<0.0001