A Danone France spokeswoman confirmed to Agence France Presse the information published on the website of specialised weekly magazine LSA: sales of the whole Essensis range, the first beautifying yoghurt to be marketed in France, will end on March 1, 2009.
Launched in February 2007, Essensis did not meet the success the group expected. Despite strong initial sales, volumes rapidly dropped. Danone even had to develop new flavours after market feedbacks pointed out excessive sugar sweetness. However, price appears as the key factor to explain the failure. Marketed as a premium product, Essensis was more expensive than other yoghurts. Furthermore, daily consumption was recommended for visible effects on the skin.
The stoppage of Essensis sales would be consistent with Danone’s intention to concentrate on its key brands. However, the skincare yoghurt should remain available in other countries, such as Spain and Italy.