As far as cosmetics are concerned, the European Union has already banned mosttests on animals. The testing ban on finished products applies since 11 September 2004; and the testing ban on ingredients or combination of ingredients applies since 11 March 2009, with the exception of repeated-dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity and toxicokinetics.
These latter tests should have been prohibited step by step, as soon as alternative methods are validated and adopted in EU legislation, and before 11 March 2013. However, the development and validation of alternative methods seems to have been longer than initially expected and several voices from the industry argue that applying the ban on these final tests irrespectively of the availability of alternative non-animal tests could seriously hinder the innovation capacity of Europeans cosmetics makers. Apparently, they have been listened by the authorities.

Opening an exhibition held at the European Parliament and organised by Colipa, the European Cosmetics Association, Commissioner John Dalli highlighted the importance of innovation. “Colipa can be assured that we will continue to do our utmost to support innovation through EU legislation and through our international activities,” said the Commissioner who is responsible for Health and Consumer Policy in the Union.
Furthermore, Neil Parish, a member of the British Parliament and chairman of a parliamentary group for animal welfare, said that sufficient replacement safety tests would not be available until 2017, four years later than expected, The Guardian reported. Parish also criticized the cosmetics industry that he accused of deliberately delaying the development of alternative methods.

Actually, several industry experts expect the European commission - who must publish an annual report on progress made in the development, validation and legal acceptance of alternative methods - will announce shortly that it is unable to introduce the last phase of the cosmetics directive in 2013 as initially planned.