Premium Beauty News - What have been the highlights of 2008 in terms of new launches and innovations for Guerlain?
Daniel Saclier - Once again, 2008 was a busy year for Guerlain with three important launches: the repackaging of the skincare line, the launch of the new mascara Le 2 and the launch of Guerlain Homme.
Innovative techniques were focused on the mascara with an injected brush featuring a thin slice that is extremely innovative for make up results.
Premium Beauty News - Forecasts for the year 2009 are not very optimistic. Within such a context, what is your message to the supply side
Daniel Saclier - Actually, 2009, especially its first semester, will be a complicated year for the "recurring part" of our catalogue. Special events and promotional operations will set the path on the market and support sales.
Our message is clear: it is time to address market uncertainties, through organizational flexibility, especially where retailers are concerned, which will be highly demanding for logistics.
As far as Guerlain is concerned, I remain confident upon this issue, indeed our portfolio of new products is still full of projects, and that’s a very good indicator of future business!
Premium Beauty News - What about the impact of raw material prices and their highs and lows?
Daniel Saclier - For sure it is hardly possible to find reliable indicators in this field. Once again, the first months of the year will bring us a better view on the strategy of our suppliers, in particular regarding resins.
Premium Beauty News - Will environmental concerns survive difficult economic times?
Daniel Saclier - I don’t think so. There was a global maladjustment in favour of the Asian area which was generating a huge need for transportation means (aircrafts, ships ...). I think this situation will evolve towards a relocalisation of manufacturing areas partly back to historic regional areas. In such a scheme the environment should win.
However there’s still an important issue about luxury products. Will customers be ready to give up the part of "dream" linked to the purchase of luxury a packaging and to exchange this dream for a light and low impact packaging? This question ahs bot been fully answered yet.
Premium Beauty News - Owners of luxury brands are apparently modifying their supply policy with regard to “full service”. Is it the case of your company and what kind of products is concerned?
Daniel Saclier - Nothing has changed regarding our outsourcing and supplying strategy, we are still keeping an eye open on the latest trends of make-up products.