Premium Beauty News - What are the main themes of the IFSCC’s scientific programme?
Patrice Bellon - Six themes will be developed during this congress, which will be taking place in France again after a 16 year absence. We have been working for the three past years on a scientific programme built around beauty and skin protection. The programme will include: "Beauty and Life Science", "Beauty and colour", "Beauty and surface shield: physicochemistry", "Beauty and sensoriality", "Beauty and protective strategy within the skin" and a newly integrated theme in an IFSCC congress: "Beauty and society". We are therefore opening the door to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.
Alain Meybeck - Well-being is also put forward. More and more works in soft science, like psychology, sociology highlight the importance of consumers’ perceptions, their feelings, their emotions in the assessment of a product.
Premium Beauty News - How did you select the oral communications and posters?
Patrice Bellon - We received 743 abstracts from more than 2,000 authors, among which, 30% from academics, 30% from ingredient and test suppliers and 40% from brands. Each abstract was submitted to three reviewers among a selection of 77 experts. Some subjects are studied a lot, like hydration and the barrier function or the tissue structure, and some are emerging like those related to sustainable development, quality of life. In its choice of 72 oral communications, the Scientific Committee made a point of respecting a representativeness of all geographic regions, all business sizes and a balance between public and private research. Alongside big names in cosmetics, small start-ups will be able to express themselves.

Alain Meybeck - For each session, an introductory lecture will be conducted by internationally recognized professors in the world of beauty. I would also like to stress on the quality of the 464 selected posters which, for the organizers, are as important as oral communications and will be the subject of exchanges of views during the breaks, which were voluntarily lengthened.
Premium Beauty News - What type of visitors are you expecting?
Patrice Bellon - Usually this congress is followed at 60% by R&D, 16% by teachers and scholars, 7% by managers and 7% by marketing. France is well represented with 42% of participants, as is Asia (with 17% of Japanese and 8% Koreans), and Brazil with 6%.
Alain Meybeck - This year, the fact that the congress is taking an interest in Beauty and Society, and is also taking into account issues related to well-being, makes it an event that can also be of great interest to marketing related teams. It is a major moment for the trade and a way to be informed of recent developments in the cosmetics field.