Experts’ views
How natural looks can invigorate the beauty industry
Maria Fernandez
The natural look trend is here to stay and that means the beauty industry needs to figure out how to enhance the “imperfect” beauty of...
Heritage Rhapsody
Leïla Rochet-Podvin
Genuine hints to the past, nostalgia, rooting into American pride… a vintage, Bohemian spirit is hovering over the USA. It is in the past...
To Age or Not to Age?
Laurence Bacilieri
Time doesn’t have the same effect on everyone; between cosmetic surgery, cosmeceuticals, and the satisfaction in showing one’s maturity –...
The 10 most popular beauty brands on Chinese search engines
Olivier Vérot
Chinese people are fond of the internet and account for half of the netizens worldwide. Being heavily present on the Chinese internet is...
Peclers Paris
In order to fight a gloomy context it becomes ever so urgent to escape the everyday and break-free. Artists and designers rekindle with...
The pro-aging movement: the beauty of being old
Maria Fernandez
Forget all about anti-aging products and the search for the “source of eternal youth,” now the trend is showing off your real age. This...
The 5 most important trends of Cosmoprof Asia 2014
Olivier Vérot
Cosmoprof Asia is a must go for any professional in the Cosmetics industry in China. This cosmetics trade fair is the meeting point for...
Consumers take control as customisation in beauty grows
Emmanuelle Moeglin
The recent launch of L’Oréal’s Makeup Genius app hit the headlines as a fantastic way of guiding women to the right products for their...
New self-expression models (Part 2)
Leïla Rochet-Podvin
A two-part crossed analysis on the new self-expression models, their roots, and beauty implications. See Part 1 4. Blurred Lines – The...
New self-expression models (Part 2)
Rémy Oudghiri
A two-part crossed analysis on the new self-expression models, their roots, and beauty implications. See Part 1 4. Blurred Lines – The...