Premium Beauty News - This event is clearly happening at the right moment.
Thierry de Bachmakoff - Makeup is a world apart in the universe of beauty because it creates a visual link with the other magical worlds of fashion, photography and cinema. This is what gives this event such richness because it crosses, mixes up, and combines very varied creativities and truly deserved a special place in the world of events.
Anne Camilli - I agree with Thierry de Baschmakoff, the universe of makeup has a place quite unique within the beauty business, essentially because of its infinite capacity for renewal. Its great richness comes from various sources of inspiration. It is made of Art and Science.
There is therefore every reason to promote makeup through a different event.
Premium Beauty News - Anne Camilli, within the organizers’ staff you will be in charge of the cultural and organizational aspects of the event. Thierry de Bachmakoff, you will assist the team with the stage setting. Why and how do you think this event will be a success?
Thierry de Bachmakoff - A combination between festive, irrational and superfluous, one of the bases of luxury, combined with the most audacious techniques to express this visual extravaganza can lead us to think without too much exaggeration, that this event will be a sheer delight....for the eyes and incidentally for business.
Anne Camilli - Makeup is alive, animated. It is colour, but colours are "unpredictable". They cannot easily be classified into categories as describes Dominique Simonet in Couleurs, le Grand Livre. I find it essential to enhance makeup through special events, exchanges, exhibitions etc. ... and to highlight the more or less visible links it shares with other artistic universes.
To my eyes, the concept of exchange is important because it is a source for improvement.
Premium Beauty News - Makeup is undoubtedly one of the most innovative sector in today’s world of beauty. Creativity is everywhere. Makeup Artists, Makeup Schools, manufacturers, all of them will contribute to make this two day event a "great makeup celebration".
So why not join the party?

Thierry de Bachmakoff - Glamour, light, codes, emotions, colors, glances, clichés ..... everything is makeup as soon as the curtain rises, then yes you can refer to it as a makeup celebration, our scenography will make it a conceptual.... and surprising point of honour.
Anne Camilli - Make-up is a stage setting the beauty of which is the theater. It is a matter of getting across to the audience and for all the actors in this industry to play to a full house on the 24th and 25th of June next, with a mission to highlight, the imagination, the creativity, the inventiveness of their universe!
MakeUp in Paris
Thursday 24th and Friday 25th of June 2010
Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris (France)