The standard ISO 24443:2012, Determination of sunscreen UVA photoprotection in vitro, gives specifications for an in vitro procedure to characterize the UVA protection of sunscreen products in accordance with a methodology defined.
With the better understanding of the negative effects of UVA radiation, consumers have been warned about the risks sun exposure and regulations have been strengthened at a global level, leading consumers to develop large spectrum sunscreen products covering UVB and UVA as well.
In particular, UVA rays play an important role in premature skin ageing linked to sun exposure. “UVA rays are not as powerful as those of UVB, but they are more abundant and penetrate the skin to a greater depth. This then leads to a slackening of tissue, a loss of skin firmness and the appearance of wrinkles. These rays penetrate so deeply that they can lead to genetic changes, affecting DNA, and resulting in the onset of skin cancer. UVA is also responsible for triggering photosensitizations in reaction to the consumption of certain pharmaceuticals,” says ISO in a release.
International harmonisation
The new standard was developed by the ISO technical committee devoted to cosmetic products.
“The trade in cosmetics between different countries is increasing. ISO 24443:2012 will be an important tool in improving the quality and safety of sunscreen products and facilitating their global trade. It will also help manufacturers to better respond to local requirements for sunscreen products and give better information to consumers,” comments Pr. Philippe Masson, Chair of the ISO group of experts that developed the standards.

The standard ISO 24443:2012 is available from ISO national member institutes - such as BSI in the UK, ANSI in the USA, or SCC in Canada - as well as from the ISO Central Secretariat.