Premium Beauty News - How did this idea of organising symposiums emerge?

Frédéric Bonté - The initial idea was to bring scientists together in order to carry a reflection on major themes for our trades and to act as a facilitator, a creator of interactions among researchers coming from different backgrounds. Congresses are generally very specialized and our approach was to generate transversal links between different disciplines.
Premium Beauty News - Precisely doesn’t cosmetology suffer from a lack of scientific recognition?
Frédéric Bonté - It is a profession in which there is a lot of research work carried out in biology, physical chemistry, neuroscience, sociology, but it is true that sometimes theses work lack visibility. This is also why we organize our symposiums, take part to many conferences and also publish in scientific journals. The competitiveness cluster, led by the Cosmetic Valley, is a proof of the profession’s current dynamism.
Premium Beauty News - Yet, communicating on private scientific research seems to be a difficult art, especially when it extends beyond the strict framework of experts? What are the objectives for LVMH?
Frédéric Bonté - Science and its orientations must be consistent with the society we want. Sharing its implications, its main findings is a real duty and private research must take part to it. As a proof of this, the success of the last Science, Recherche et Société Forum organized by the magazine La Recherche and the newspaper Le Monde at the Collège de France in Paris on June 16. We partnered with a scientific photography exhibition on the topic of "Rare species, endangered plants", a way of showing using an artistic dimension, our commitment in the field of biodiversity.
Premium Beauty News - The 11th Symposium on the theme of Skin Rejuvenation seems particularly promising, including an overview of issues related to stem cells. Can you briefly tell us what topics will be addressed?
Frédéric Bonté - Combined to protection, rejuvenation techniques are based on the 3 R’s theory, namely, Repair, Replace, Regenerate. We will address new research areas that will, in the next 10 years, revolutionize our approaches to these areas. Molecular genetics, elimination of degradation products of metabolism that tend to accumulate, reprogramming strategy, epigenetic rejuvenation, new tools in Bioinformatics stability or metabolic awakening will be, among others the themes that will be addressed. How far to go, what are the risks with new technologies, realistic hopes will open discussions to imagine tomorrow’s products.
Premium Beauty News - Why did you choose to hold this event in London?
Frédéric Bonté - London is a dynamic capital and we were looking for an English-speaking context. We chose a magical place combining culture, heritage preservation and knowledge dissemination. The whole of it with a desire to place this event in a eco-design concept: ease of accommodation, accessibility, direct access by public transportation to overseas destinations... We try to alternate the venues abroad to always enrich the network of researchers that we bring together.