New graphic layout
With an even richer picture content, including the launch of a News Gallery,’s new graphic layout, which was launched at the end of January, has fully met our expectations. A new version for which great attention was also paid to preserve the readability and easiness of navigation, while preparing for the smooth introduction of new services.
The response from readers was very positive with an immediate increase in our readership, which has stabilized at +20% after three months.

The inauguration of the e-shop of is a new milestone in the development of the site, with the introduction of paid content.
The first item offered for sale is a PDF handbook offering an easy-to-read and comprehensive presentation of regulations applicable to cosmetic products in the United States.
In this handbook, companies and individuals in charge of marketing cosmetic and personal care products in the United States of America will find a comprehensive and detailed overview of the main Federal rules governing these products, as well as noticeable States legislations, including:
– DEFINITIONS What is a cosmetic? What is drug? What are cosmetic drugs? The case of soaps.
– SAFETY RULES General requirements, California laws, Good Manufacturing Practices, Microbial limits, The case of product containing hydrocarbons
– INGREDIENTS Restrictions over ingredient use, CIR recommendations, California laws, OTC cosmetic drugs, Alcohol regulations
– LABELLING Overview of labelling rules, Name and place of business, Statement of identity, Net quantity of content, Product durability, Date of manufacture and/or Batch number, List of ingredients, Warnings and directions for use, Country of origin, Green dot, Natural cosmetics, Other requested information, Specific labelling requirements for OTC cosmetic drugs
– CLAIMS AND ADVERTISING General requirements, Regulated cosmetic claims, OTC cosmetic drugs, Other requirements
– MARKETING REQUIREMENTS Voluntary registration of cosmetics, California Safe Cosmetics Act, Specific requirements applicable to cosmetic drugs
– PACKAGING Packaging waste, Identification of packaging materials
– ENVIRONMENT VOC regulations, Toxics in packaging materials
A reminder of what is important to know is provided at the end of each section. Hyperlinks provide useful and easy references to original regulatory texts.
Handbook. Cosmetics laws & regulations in the USA: 104 pages, 120.00 euros