Premium Beauty News - Aerosol, a product which celebrated its fiftieth anniversary last year and for which controversy has not failed! A product yet more alive than ever!
Michel Fontaine - You have summarized the subject quite well! This product has been and remains, dare we say, fantastic! And its designers were far from imagining the huge advance that their invention was going to generate over the years. Figures are stubborn! The consumption is annually of 11 billion units worldwide, including 4 billion in the United States, 600 million in France. China, who ten years ago, was a only dwarf in this area will this year, use 1 billion units! Not bad for a product promised to oblivion by the end of the 1980s!
Premium Beauty News - Truly, this industry has also learned a lot!
Michel Fontaine - Quite true! The use of freon as a propellant gas is ancient history. We are in the era of hydrocarbons and tomorrow we will be able to use compressed air. Which proves by the way, the huge adaptability of this industry to new constraints whether environmental, technical or consumerist.
Premium Beauty News - Yet, you are organizing during Aerosol Forum [1], a workshop with a slightly provocative topic: "A world without aerosols?"
Michel Fontaine - But this is precisely where we are going to understand the vital nature of this conditioning. After fifty years of high technology developments, aerosols can be seen in the daily life of everyone, in the bathroom, kitchen, workshop or garage. They also take a part in the packaging of some drugs. And in the industry, they are also used for highly developed technical products.
But throughout the two days other topics will also be tackled with subjects related to Design and Sustainable Development, and to latest technical innovations.

Premium Beauty News - Another novelty, the formula "Paris Aerosol restaurant!
Michel Fontaine - Indeed, the meal will give the participants an opportunity to switch from theory to practice. The meal will be embellished with aerosol conditioned products and products elaborated by Pierre Dominique Cécillon (Academie Cinq sens, Paris) and his team. The purpose of which will be to convince dinners of the the potentiality of aerosol technology for every day meals and catering.