Premium Beauty News - Could you picture the outcome of the CFA’s action over the last months?
Michel Fontaine - The year 2008 has been in the continuity of the previous ones. We have structured our action through three main priorities: aerosols’ safety, aerosols’ promotion and, eventually, environmental responsibility.
The Aerosol Forum, which was held in March in Paris, was a renown success, both for the conferences and for the technology showcases. Aerosol Forum next edition is schedule on March 10 and 11, 2009 and the event is very expected by industry insiders. The success of Aerosol Forum is a good illustration of the efforts we made to promote our industry over the last years.
Premium Beauty News - The aerosol packaging has known difficult times, in particular at the end of the 1970s, but it seems that he recently gained a renewed modernity?
Michel Fontaine - The efforts I mentioned regarding safety and environmental responsibility are the best answer to this question. Actually, a product that is safe for the consumer and environment-friendly is highly modern and appealing. Furthermore, the industry also made tremendous efforts regarding the design and the aesthetics of aerosol cans, thus greatly helping to renew its image.
Premium Beauty News - Together with pumps, aerosols could be considered as a single big “spraying industry”, but there is no organisation covering this whole family of products.
Michel Fontaine - That’s an import issue because pumps and aerosols technologies are very close. A lot of suppliers already offer both pumps and aerosol valves. In English-speaking countries, the word “hairdspay” may design a product that is a contained in a bottle with a pump or in a metallic aerosol dispenser as well. Aerosols could be part of the spraying sector, together with manual pumps, other triggers and with future products that will use electric power, for instance.
No need to hide that we are thinking about it within the CFA.