The theme of the last and traditional early morning rendezvous of the BeautyFull Club, moderated by Thibault Ponroy, was Selective Distribution, What alternative for brands?
The president of the French Federation of Selective Retailers reviewed the situation of selective distribution in Europe. According to him, "sharing information and knowledge on consumer behavior is essential because it allows all the actors of the beauty sector to have a better visibility and a real capacity for anticipation". An initiative that would imply "the creation of vertical links and bridges, the decompartmentalization of the different actors involved in our business." In short, a true call for dialog within the beauty industry, aiming at a better anticipation of sale volumes.
Thibault Ponroy was of course questioned on the attitude of retailers in recent months, he stressed on the fact that distribution could not be used as a variable of adjustment by keeping high levels of stock out of proportion with actual needs.
“De-stocking is not a goal. The actual phenomenon is mainly an inevitable readjustment in times of crisis of all the financial and economical indicators of companies in the distribution sector… Things have changed in distribution. It has concentrated and professionalized itself, and switched in 15 years from a structure composed mainly of SME (even VSE) to a structure composed of multinational groups, with shareholders often leaders in their field, familiar with best management techniques and quoted at the stock exchange”.
The enthusiastic discussions and the number of people attending this new rendezvous truly delighted Charles-Emmanuel Gounod. The President of BeautyFull Club, who believes that "talks are useful and essential to the Beauty industry," has invited all participants to join the Club and take part into its activities.