The organization of the company with local factories to be closer to its customers has the advantage of reducing transports between sites to improve the environmental performance of the industrial tool.
In addition, several axis were identified at the industrial level with the adoption by the French sites of the ISO 14001 standard, the undertaking of a carbon footprint for its filling and printing activities as of 2008 and the installation of a microorganism-based biofiltre to destroy its print effluents without using fossil fuels.

The priority for companies like Bioplan remains of course the reliability and protection of formulas. Progress in the environmental field could not be achieved at the expense of safety and of the quality of products. Not to mention the fact that in the case of samples provided free to consumers, the cost constraint is important.
Nevertheless, “there is a real environment-driven demand from brand owners who incorporate eco-design upstream of new products” says Ludovic Anceau. In its field, Bioplan is working on solutions that aim in particular at improving the recyclability of products and increase their content in renewable materials.
Thus, in response to growing concern for sustainability, without compromising on quality and safety, Bioplan launched in partnership with one of its suppliers a polyethylene/polyester + organic material to reduce the proportion of non-renewable materials in sachets.
Meanwhile, the company is taking part to the “Thalia” project, involving several actors from the packaging industry around the use of non-fossil derived resins.