Experts’ views
Future of Beauty: What are the prospects for makeup in the United States?
Laurence Bacilieri
At the end of 2019, the makeup market was down 7%. With the outbreak of Covid-19 revenues fell by 52% (US$869 million), according to The...
The Purity Beauty Movement
Glendean Rehvan - In-Trend
Cleanliness is everything - sterilisation, sanitation, germ-free, antibacterial and disinfection is at the forefront of everyone’s minds....
How the evolution of fern perfumes helps understanding new masculinity codes
Pierre-Constantin Guéros
Since the 1950s, the status and image of men have gradually changed. May 68 and the liberation of morals challenged the traditional...
China: An overview on new regulations
Angelita Hu - ChemLinked
If nothing else, 2020 is proving to be a big year for cosmetics regulations in China with the highly anticipated Cosmetic Supervision and...
How to launch an "Inclusion and Diversity" programme in ten steps
Virginie Bapaume
Cosmetics brands can no longer move forward without a real action plan focused on inclusion and diversity. Instead of acting reactively,...
What’s the future of independent beauty brands?
Sam Dover
In the wake of the confirmation by Spanish fashion and fragrances group Puig that it is set to acquire a majority stake in the UK-based...
China to regulate live streaming e-commerce
Angelita Hu - ChemLinked
China will implement new non-mandatory group standards to help regulate live streaming e-commerce. Two new texts intend to clarify...
Olfactory reformulation a delicate exercise
Suzy Le Helley
Are the great classics of perfumery the ones that are said to stand the test of time? Faced with the European legislation banning the use...
China cosmetic regulatory framework to be overhauled
Angelita Hu - ChemLinked
Currently, in China, the fundamental regulation guiding the cosmetic sector is the outdated Cosmetics Hygiene Supervision Regulations...
Radical reinvention : Disrupting the next decade of beauty
Cosmetics Inspiration & Creation
Beauty is an ever-changing industry. Yet some changes make more of an impact than others. The more society changes, the more these...