Laws & regulations
Animal testing: the Commission intends to maintain the 2013 deadline
Alternatives to the few tests on animals that remain authorised for cosmetic ingredients will not be available by the final ban scheduled...
France bans 3-benzylidene-camphor in cosmetics
The French Agency for the Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS) has decided to ban an ultraviolet filter that is suspected to behave as an...
British advertising watchdog bans two digitally retouched ads
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has banned two L’Oréal cosmetics ads featuring, following complaints by a Member of the...
Endocrine disrupters: the French Parliament reaffirms the precautionary principle
Endocrine disruptors are once again under French parliamentarians’ watchful eyes. After the controversy that followed the vote of a bill...
US industry criticizes bill to reform cosmetics legislation
The updated version of the Safe Cosmetics Act, which was reintroduced in the House of Representatives at the end of June, is meeting...
New cosmetics regulations, what is the impact on the industry’s everyday business?
The cosmetics industry has to cope with the pros and cons generated by regulations like REACH for chemical substances or like the...
FDA issues new sunscreen rules
New rules aim at strengthening the information of consumers on products’ spectrum and scope of efficacy. They also increase requirements...
Parabens: the debate continues in France
French manufacturers are concerned about the possible consequences resulting from the proposed bill aiming to ban some families of...
Alternative methods to animal tests not fully available by 2013
Despite substantial progress over the past years, experts say that alternative methods to fully replace animal tests in the European...
French cosmetics makers face MPs vote
French MPs have passed a bill that would ban immediately in all consumer products, three categories of substances identified as endocrine...