Laws & regulations
European Union: Full ban on animal testing for cosmetics enters into force
Today the last deadline to phase out animal testing for cosmetic products in Europe enters into force. As of today, cosmetics tested on...
Animal testing: EU Commission confirms full ban will take effect in March
Animal defence organisations have warmly congratulated the EU Commission after having received confirmation from Commissioner Tonio Borg...
Animal testing: the future Commissioner commits to introduce full ban
Tonio Borg, who should succeed to John Dali as European Commissioner for Health, has announced its commitment to conclude the...
China strengthens regulations governing cosmetics for children
China’s SFDA recently strengthened the rules applicable to cosmetics specifically intended for children under 12 years of age. Specific...
Customs Union Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan: placing cosmetics on the market
Since the 1st of July, companies exporting cosmetic products to the Customs Union comprising Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan must comply...
France to assess environmental information one year test
After one year of experimentation, French companies are now assessing the environmental information tested on some of their products....
Lancôme stumbles over U.S. regulations
In a warning letter, the FDA criticized Lancôme for a series of medical claims on products that are sold as cosmetics. The French brand...
Morocco requires registration of cosmetic products
A circular from the Moroccan Ministry of Health now requires for cosmetic manufacturers and importers to register their products before...
EU expert panel paves the way to a longer list of allergens requiring label disclosure
In an opinion published on July 31, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety’s (SCCS) recommends to add more than fifty fragrance...
New ISO standard to evaluate protection against UVA
ISO has issued a new standard for measuring the UVA performance of sunscreen products. The standard ISO 24443:2012, Determination of...