Laws & regulations
Sweden: Controls detect large numbers of non-compliant products
The Swedish medical products agency (Läkemedelsverket) indicates that numerous products on the market do not comply with current...
Intertek wants to partner with brands for quality and safety
Intertek, the specialist in quality control and product safety, has been formally entrusted along with SGS, with the control for...
UK to tackle misleading retouched cosmetics ads
The British bodies regulating advertising practices have published a new advertising guidance that aimed to bring greater clarity for the...
Natural and organic cosmetics: what prospects for harmonization?
At times when the battle between certification bodies is raging, Premium Beauty News questioned Laurence Mulon, an independent consultant...
The proliferation in natural and organic cosmetic standards continues
According to Organic Monitor the proliferation in standards and certification continues, with the number of local, regional and...
First congress on alternatives to animal testing in China
While the Chinese legislation on cosmetics still requires products to be tested on animals, the Beijing Technology and Business...
Natural cosmetics: NPA fears increased confusion for the U.S. consumer
Premium Beauty News asked John Gay and Dr. Cara Welch respectively CEO and Vice President of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs of the...
Kao sues Henkel over hair dyes
Kao filed two infringement lawsuits in Germany and Japan against Henkel regarding foam type hair colour products. Japan’s cosmetic...
EU confirms ban on musk xylene
The European Commission has announced the ban of six substances “of very high concern" under the REACH regulation, including musk xylene....
“We want clear, stringent, and globally harmonised standards for natural cosmetics,” Julie Tyrrell, NATRUE
On the occasion of the Vivaness, the leading trade fair for natural personal care and wellness, which was held last week (16-19 February)...